Wednesday 12 September 2012

More grace needed during this time. Pre-internship stress, confusion and 'thrown in the water' feeling. Giving thanks for the uncomfortable uncertainty because it makes me realise how much I want to control things and pushes me to depend on God. Right now, worries and frustration shouldn't control me, for God has saved me to be free.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Abiding in His Light (:

We went to Marina Barrage and Gardens by the Bay yesterday. Apart from having a picnic, we had a photo competition and worked in trios. Our theme was 'abide' and 'gentleness'. Hence the text in the picture, " Abiding in Christ begets gentleness". It was quite hard to take pictures in the night because I'm not sure how to operate the camera in such a way that it can take a picture the way my eye sees it. So, I learned that God's creation of my eye is something that is hard to operates on its own...focusing according to brightness or darkness etc. because God made it that way. But all in all, I'm thankful for the time of fellowship and teamwork we had together! It was really relaxing too.

Sunday 26 August 2012

God's love letter for you

So much for wanting to posting a picture a day...haha...I'm lagging badly behind! >< Anyway, this video really ministered to me during the recent camp I had at school. I thank God for who He is. This love has come at the price of His blood. So often, caught in the cares of this world, His love for me is drowned out with letting the world's voice overpower mine. I need to dwell in His love everyday in His Word.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Durian ice cream!

Durian ice-cream!
Mum made durian ice-cream and it was really rich in taste. :) I'm thankful for having a mum who is fantastic at cooking and baking...(a skill that I've yet to grasp as well).

To have food is by His Grace, and we say grace to thank Him. Often when we give thanks for the food, it is often termed as saying "Grace". I'm not sure why but I think it should be to thank God for what He daily provides!

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Lina and National Geographic!

"Where two or three are gathered together in My Name, there am I in the midst of them"

 Matthew 18:20 

It was awesome seeing Lina again! By grace, Jen, invited me to go along with her to visit Lina...Our plan to surprise her kinda failed but nevertheless, we had a great time chatting with the as usual cheerful sister. Clad in yellow, she laughed incessantly, serving us with joy, as she introduced toys and crazy prices, folded clothes and arranged the out of place goods. We had an enjoyable time! :)

Friday 25 May 2012

A marathon of essays!

My new black glasses: compliment from bro's new glasses. Thank God that 2 essays are down! I was surprised that my body could take sleeping late but I really don't want to do that again. This week so far has been God's strength carrying me through.

"And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh." Ecclesiastes 12:12

Monday 21 May 2012

4 blessings :)

Mother's day gigantic pau 

Strength from God's Word

Cheese baked rice!

Lamb steak! 

These are updates of what has been happening in my life. 3 out of 4 pictures are food...haha. This week I thank God for His peace and focus on Him amidst a crazy week of essays due near to one another.